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How to Paint a Room Fast

How to Paint a Room Fast

Painting a room is a task that demands a lot of time. Even a professional painter cannot apply a fresh coat of paint in a room in an hour. Suffice it to say, painting a room quickly and still achieve high-quality and excellent-looking paint job can be a Herculean endeavour, especially for amateurs. However, it is not an impossible task! With meticulous planning and proper preparation, DIYers like you can do this job quickly and get professional-looking results. How? Read on to learn how to paint a room fast without sacrificing quality.

Have All the Tools You Need

A lot of tools and materials are required during a painting project, from paint and brush to tape and putty knife. Naturally, not having the tools you need when you need them can lead to delays and lost time. So, be sure that everything you is ready and within your reach before you start painting a room. Create a checklist to know which tools are already available and those which you need to buy.

Use the Right Prep Tools

Preparation is essential in any painting task. It is also one of the most time-consuming steps in this endeavour. But you cannot skip this task nor take shortcuts just to save time. Bear in mind that poorly prepped surfaces can prevent the paint from adhering well. This can cause flimsy and unappealing paint job. So, the quickest way to accomplish this task is to ensure that you use tools which can make the process faster. For example, when cleaning your walls, you can use trisodium phosphate (TSP) to help you get rid of grease, soot and dirt easily and quickly. Just follow the manufacturer’s instructions on the TSP container. Also, wear rubber gloves to protect your hands.

Don’t Overdo the Tape

A widely recommended method, especially for non-professional painters, is taping the trim. This is to protect edges and trims from splatters or drips. While this practice is very helpful, particularly for non-professionals, it can also take so much time. To cut down on your taping time, you can just opt to tape selected areas, specifically horizontal surfaces. You can do away with taping vertical areas because they are not very prone to drips or splatters. In addition, before putting the tape, make sure that the surface is clean; otherwise, the tape won’t stick properly. This can lead to paint seeping under the edges.

Strain Paint

Hard paint ending up on your wall means redoing the work you’ve done. Of course, this is not something you would want since it’s going to extend your project time. To avoid this, open your paint once you reach home. More importantly, strain it to get rid of strands or chunks of hard paint. All you need to do is get a bucket and a paint strainer or a pantyhose. Place the strainer over your bucket and pour the paint.

Use Painting Techniques

One reason why a professional house painter accomplishes a job faster than amateurs like you is that he employs painting techniques. One popular painting method known to help save time is cutting in. This technique lessens prep time since it enables you to paint on surfaces or draw straight lines of paint without taping areas which should not be painted like trims and switch covers. Admittedly, cutting in is not that easy to do. It requires practice, the right tools and a steady hand. When you master this technique, you do not have to waste time putting and removing tape.

Add Extenders to Your Paint

Lap marks are very common paint job problems. These dark, unsightly lines are created when you paint over a dry area. Hence, to avoid these, your paint must stay wet a bit longer. One thing you can do to avoid these unwanted marks is to mix extenders or conditioners on your paint. By doing this, you do not have to worry about redoing your paint job just to get rid of lap marks.

Want to know more about how to paint a room fast? Call us at 086 608 1817 / 085 139 0233 today!
