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How To Paint A Room Professionally

How To Paint A Room Professionally

Want to learn how to paint like a professional? Below are tips on how you can achieve high quality paint job with minimal downtime just like a professional painter.

Invest on High Quality Materials

To paint like a pro, you do not just need to learn about painting techniques. You must also have the right tools. Having the right materials can make the entire process easier for you. For example, using canvas drop cloth is better than plastic sheeting. Aside from its non-slip surface, canvas drop cloth does not move easily. Meanwhile, for primers and sealers, choosing the quick-dry types can minimise downtime.

Don’t just stop at having the right materials. Make sure that your chosen tools are of high quality, too. Doing this is going to help you achieve an excellent output. It’s also a good way of ensuring that the paint job lasts long. Also, while these materials may be pricier, they’re very cost-effective. Let’s take the case of low quality paint versus high quality paint. With low quality paint, you’d need to do several coatings to achieve a decent finish. Meanwhile, with high quality paint, you’d only need, at most, two coatings. Hence, with high quality paint, you would need to purchase fewer gallons of paint.

Maximise Your Time, Organise The Tasks

One thing that sets professional painters apart from amateurs is their ability to finish a painting project quickly without sacrificing quality. This can be attributed to the fact that they have years of experience tucked under their belt and all the tools necessary to finish this task fast. While you may not have as much painting hours as professionals do, you can employ strategies to accomplish this job faster.

One strategy is to maximise your time by organising your tasks. Begin by listing all the tasks you need to do, both for the prep work and the painting proper. Then, sequence or schedule them in a manner that’s going to allow you to reduce downtime. For example, while waiting for the washed walls to dry, you can start applying the first coat of paint on your ceiling. Similarly, you can do prep work like sanding on the woodwork after applying primer.

Observe Proper Painting Methods And Techniques

Even if you’re an amateur painter, it’s not impossible for you to come up with aesthetically-appealing and long-lasting paint job similar to that of professional painters. All you have to do is to observe proper painting methods as well as employ painting techniques.

One of the essential steps in a painting project which many amateur painters skip or ignore is the application of primer. Achieving a smooth and durable finish isn’t possible if you don’t accomplish this task! Nowadays, two-in-one wall paint (or paint mixed with primer) is being sold. You can use this type of paint, especially if you want to save time. However, if the area hasn’t been painted on for seven years or more, it’s best to use a separate primer.

Meanwhile, when painting using rollers, many amateur painters’ outputs end up having lap marks – unsightly marks due to uneven layers of paint build up. To avoid this, maintain a wet edge. Roll quickly but gently from the wet to the dry area or toward the unpainted surface and back to the freshly painted spot. Meanwhile, if there are lap marks or runs, eliminate them by gently rolling over the painted surface from top to bottom.

There are also painting techniques which can help you save time like cutting in. It is used when painting corners or areas around trims or window/door frames. Cutting in requires a steady and practiced hand for the paint not to end up in unwanted areas. Many professional painters use this method because it cuts down prep hours since they don’t have to spend time taping. You may also employ this method. However, just make sure you practice first to ensure excellent results.

To learn more tips on how to paint a room professionally, call us today at 086 608 1817 / 085 139 0233!

Image Attribution: Photograph By Lukeroberts (Own work) [CC BY-SA 2.5], via Wikimedia Commons
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