Scheduling is key to a hassle-free home painting project, especially when it involves the exterior surfaces. While it may seem easy, determining the best time to paint exterior walls is actually extra challenging.
Unlike working on your home’s interiors, painting outdoors is not a task that can be scheduled any time of the year. This is primarily because you need to have great weather not just to achieve an excellent paint finish but also to be able to work outside.
Why Exterior Painters in Dublin Need Good Weather
The weather affects the quality of the paint finish, and experienced exterior painters in Dublin know this. They are aware that they won’t be able to achieve a professional-looking and durable paint job if they work when conditions are not optimal.
To be more specific, paint won’t strongly adhere to the surface, resulting in bubbles or cracks. This is what usually happens when temperature significantly drops at night after the surfaces were painted. Moisture seeps through the substrate and prevents the paint from sticking well.
Poor paint adhesion doesn’t just make your walls look unappealing. It also results in a finish that won’t last long, causing you to repaint earlier than expected.
Basically, painting outdoors under poor weather condition results in a low-quality paint job. This means that you’ll end up spending more as you’d have to apply a fresh coat of paint in just a few years (or if it’s really bad, after a few months).
Good weather is also necessary for the painters to be able to safely work. This is why even professionals do not accept exterior home painting projects in the dead of winter.
Exterior Painters in Dublin: When Do They Usually Work?
Now, let’s talk about when experienced painters work outdoors. Professionals usually schedule exterior painting projects during the early weeks of spring or summer. There is little or no rain during this time, which is essential for this type of home improvement project to proceed.
In addition, there is no significant difference in day time and night time temperatures during the early weeks of spring. Temperature fluctuations have a negative effect on the paint finish, particularly when temperature significantly falls during the drying process.
On the other hand, during the early weeks of summer, the temperature is not too high which is conducive for the paint to dry properly.
Here’s the thing:
While the hot weather helps the paint dry faster, you don’t want to fast track this process because it will result in poor adhesion and imperfections.
Mid-summer is often characterised by soaring temperatures which cause paint to dry extremely fast. The scorching heat can also make it impossible and unsafe to work outdoors. Hence, the middle of summer isn’t the best time to paint exterior surfaces.
It should be noted though that the weather in Ireland is so unpredictable, making it doubly hard to determine a good time to paint exterior walls. So, you have to be patient when it comes to this project as it is possible for schedules to change depending on the weather forecast.
When to Hire Exterior Painters in Dublin
Just because the best time to do outdoor painting is in spring or summer, it does not mean that you should wait for these seasons to begin before you can call a painting contractor. You can contact your prospective painting company as early as winter.
Since the demand for exterior painters is high during spring and summer, it is highly recommended that you book their services weeks (or even months) before your target date of completion.
For example, you want the job done before the middle of spring, you can call the contractor around the start of winter.
Contacting your trusted house painter early is not just about guaranteeing that you get a slot on their busy schedule but also that they finish the job on your preferred date.
Are you looking for exterior painters in Dublin? You’ve come to the right place! We have a team of painters experienced in exterior painting. Call us at 86 608 1817 / 085 139 0233 or visit our website today for a free quote!