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Painting School Buildings: When Schools Get a New Coat

school painting

School buildings are often some of the last places to receive updated paint. After all, the paint doesn’t make that big a difference to the educational progress of the students within the school. There are dozens of other things that the budget can be spent on. Why waste the money on a coat of paint? Giving the school a new coat of paint, however, has a number of benefits.

It helps make students excited to be at school.

You wouldn’t want to go to a grey, dingy room every day, spending your hours staring at walls that have been written on, smudged by dirty hands, and subjected to years of hard wear. Why should school-aged children be any different? Simply changing the appearance of the room around them is enough to help kids get excited about being in the school building. As a result, they have brighter attitudes, better outlooks, and more focus to give to the important task of studying and learning.

Teachers experience this benefit, too. It’s hard to get excited about teaching kids who are sitting there bored no matter what you do, in a room that looks as gloomy on the sunniest day on the year as a prison cell in the middle of the Arctic Circle. A fresh coat of paint, however, can give a teacher’s room a lift and take her enthusiasm along with it.

Improve Student Pride in the School

When the administration doesn’t care about the school’s appearance, the kids don’t, either. There’s something about a fresh new coat of pain that makes the kids more respectful of the facility. An old, dirty wall is fair game for fresh dirt and graffiti, but a freshly painted one will have the kids taking care to keep things nice. Sometimes, all that’s needed to help the students take ownership is a fresh coat of paint and a faculty that’s willing to lead the way.

Make Parents Proud

You want your parents to be proud that their students attend your school. If it’s looking run down and poorly maintained, their pride is going to be low. That means that when fundraising time rolls around, many parents are going to be unwilling to move themselves to do much about your school’s needs. On the other hand, parents who are happy with the appearance of the school will be much more likely to put forth the effort to make other changes.

A fresh coat of paint might not be the answer to all your problems, but it can make your school a better place for parents, students, and teachers. Why not give it a try and see what a difference it makes in your school? If you’re ready to update your paint, contact us today.
