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Spray painting your kitchen – what you should beware

kitchen spray painting dublin

Your kitchen may be the heart and soul of your home, and you and your family members may spend a lot of time in this room each day. This may be a room where meals are prepared, but it also a room where memories are made and guests may be entertained. You want this space to look amazing, and this may be why you are thinking about re-painting it. Painting with a roller and a paint brush may sound tedious and time consuming, and spray painting the kitchen sounds like it would be much faster. However, before you spray paint your kitchen, you should be aware of these hazards.

The Paint Spray Will Get Everywhere
When you spray paint through an aerated can or device, tiny droplets of spray will shoot away from the device in all directions. Of course, the way to avoid this spray messing up your cabinets, counter tops, floors and other surfaces is to use a lot of plastic, tape and drop cloths. Covering all of the surfaces in the kitchen can be tedious, time-consuming and costly. Even when you do this, the process of using spray paint can be messy for you to contend with. It may get on your entire body, and this means that you may track it to other areas of the home outside of the kitchen. Your effort to save time with your kitchen re-painting project can ultimately backfire, and you may spend more time preparing and cleaning up afterward.

The Fumes Can Be Hazardous
Spray paint generally needs to be used in an open-air environment, and this is because noxious fumes can be emitted from the spray paint can or device. These fumes can make you and your family members dizzy and nauseous. It can cause headaches and even fainting in some cases. You could leave your windows and doors open while you use the spray paint, but these fumes can easily fill your entire home in a short period of time. Generally, using spray paint inside is not a good idea because of how unhealthy it can be for you.

The Color Choices Are Limited
In addition, the color choices available with spray paint are limited, and you may be hard-pressed to find the right color to use with your kitchen décor. When you use a traditional paint roller or paint brush, you may have access to thousands of colors or more, and this gives you an incredible range of possibilities. You may be more likely to achieve the desired look in your kitchen when you avoid using spray paint.

As you can see, using spray paint is generally not a wise idea. While you may want to save time and effort with your painting tasks, you also want the end result to be amazing. If you are thinking about re-painting your kitchen, you can turn to Painting Dublin for professional painting services.

Call us today at 086-608-1817 or fill out our quick and easy contact form to request an initial consultation with our painting team, and we will provide you with an up-front estimate for our spray painting services.
