Driving or strolling through the neighborhood, you notice a lot of homes that have a beautiful exterior. While you’ve been readily working on the interior of your own house, you have yet to pay much attention to the paint colour outside.
When the time comes to select which colour or colours to use, be sure to follow some useful tips.
Love It for Awhile
Deciding on a whim to paint your home is fun and exudes a sense of spontaneity; however, just as with a tattoo, you want to make sure that you love the colours that you choose. While a paint job on a house isn’t permanent, you also can’t change it without a great deal of effort and, in many cases, spending a decent portion of money. Make sure you are committed to the colors that you choose so that you don’t need to go back and do it all over again soon.
Browse Through Books
Loving a colour and loving how it looks on a house are two entirely different things. Visually seeing how certain colours look on houses is important. When you’re at the local store or meeting with a team of painters, ask to see examples of their previous work or model houses that they have. Note how the colours fit with the style of the house too. For example, some colours might make a smaller house look even tinier, so you want to be aware of how size is affected by colour.
Upload Some Photos
Even if you love a colour on someone else’s house, you might not like how it looks on yours. Take a picture of your house and upload it to the computer. By playing around with some different shades on a computer programme, you can at least get a sense of what that family of colours might look like on it. Individuals who have more advanced programmes can likely obtain a better feel for the final style. Furthermore, if you are working with a professional painting team, find out if they have any tools available so that you could see what the house would look like when it’s finished.
Colour Matching Tools
Whether you have fancy programmes or just basic ones on your computer, you can still check out color matching tools online. For example, visit Fleetwood.ie Choose Your Colour tool to see many of the different shades available. You can also get a sense of how they look on different surfaces since that is another major consideration when selecting the colour for your home. Really go through the site comprehensively. You want to make sure you don’t miss out on something that could be the answer to your style dreams.
View Similar Houses
You could conduct all of the research in the world, but nothing beats seeing the colour you like on a real house in-person. If similar houses exist in the neighbourhood, take a drive around to see what colours you like the best. When you find one that you absolutely fall in love with, don’t be shy about asking the owners what the name of the shade is. If you feel funny walking up and ringing the bell, just leave a note or mail a letter asking for a response. Chances are, the owners will feel complemented that you like their home.
Consider the Trimmings
A particular colour might look lovely on another house, but it’s possible that this shade won’t jive with the trimmings on your own home. For example, you might have one colour trimmings around the window that you would really like to keep, but you find that the new shade you want for the rest of the house clashes with. Ultimately, you need to make a decision. You can either keep the trimmings in the colour that you love and find a new shade for the house, or spend a bit more time and money to do the trimmings now too.
Your Outdoor Area
Many lovely homes have beautiful outdoor areas where the children love to play and families enjoy getting together to spend time outside. Whether or not you want your outdoor furniture to match up with the colour of the house is entirely up to you, but it’s something that you should be aware of. If you are going to be bothered by colours that are different shades, then you have to consider that now. Otherwise, you could end up paying for a paint job and brand new furniture for the patio.
A Family Decision
While you might really want to make this choice by yourself, keep in-mind that you are not the only one with an opinion on the matter unless you live in the house by yourself. Bring swatches of different colours from the store home to show the rest of your family. Ultimately, if any two people disagree with one another, the matter has to be resolved. Still though, family members can agree to meet somewhere in the middle of two colours as opposed to having one person completely unhappy with the new pick for the house’s exterior.
The Style of The Home
You also need to consider what you want the style of the home to say to other people. While it’s true that something should not be judged by its appearances, people will see the colour of your house as a symbol of your style. For example, very dark shades on the outside of the house might not seem as welcoming or inviting to guests as a lighter and airier colour. You can also blend more in with nature when you choose an earthy tone. Ultimately, it is up to you, but you should at least understand what the colour you are using says to the world.
Picking the right shades for the outside of your house is a process that involves commitment, but once you have considered all of the factors, you’ll have a beautiful home exterior that conveys your personality to the rest of the world.