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Safety Issues when Painting Your Room

Are you ready to paint your home but not sure what to expect? Don’t overlook safety when planning out your next project. A simple project can quickly turn disastrous if you don’t fall some basic precautions.

Avoid the Point

Nail heads and broken tacks snag on your paint rollers, or even more alarming, your skin and clothing. When possible, pull out all nails properly and fill the holes. Broken or stubborn nails may require pounding in so the head is beneath the wall board, and then the indentation needs filled.

Latches, hooks and other protruding bits of wall hardware also get in the way or may cause a snag. Whenever prudent, remove the hardware and reinstall it after the painting is done. This also keeps the hardware clean and free of wayward paint streaks.

Keep the Dust Down

It goes without saying that the dust from sanding and the fumes from the paint don’t benefit your lungs. An often overlooked safety aspect is working to keep the dust down as you work. Turning off cooling and heating units helps keep the dust from blowing when you sand, but still air will harbor more fumes when you pull out the paint.

Where sanding is a necessity, wear a dust or hygiene mask to keep the particles out of your lungs. Clear safety glasses keeps the dust from irritating your eyes, so don’t forget to add a pair to your painting kit.

Ventilate Properly

Unless you outfit yourself in a full respirator kit, a dust mask won’t provide much protection from paint fumes. An open window, in conjunction with a fan, is a suitable option to keep the fumes down. If you feel faint or short of breath, take a break from painting outdoors or in another airy place where the air is clean.

Watch Your Step

A painting zone is a veritable maze of hazards. A few common items that lead to missteps include:

  • Paint trays and lids scattered about the floor. Although it almost seems comedic to walk through a paint tray and track up the ground, these pose a very real slipping and tripping danger, not to the mention the danger to your flooring from a wayward foot print.
  • Drop cloths may protect the ground but you can easily trip over one if it’s not properly anchored down. A simple strip of tape over the edge of the cloth can protect your from this hazard.
  • Ladders are generally safe if you use them properly. It helps to have a partner hold the ladder in place when you’re on top of it, and stay off the topmost step. If you can’t reach, you need a taller ladder.
  • Chairs and similar apparatus are meant for sitting on, not for standing. If you must reach the ceiling or an high corner, pull out the ladder. A collapsing or unsteady chair is a recipe for disaster.

It’s best to keep your painting area as neat as possible so both your and your home come through the painting process unscathed. Fortunately, you can avoid the worries and the potential dangers by calling in a painter to do the job correctly. Fill out our web form for a prompt quote on your next project.
