Lucan – Painting Dublin

Tips for Painting Concrete Floor  

Tips for Painting Concrete Floor

Concrete is a durable material suitable for everything from basement floors to stoops and driveways. However, its colour is cold and grey. Luckily, when it comes to improvement, concrete is also very versatile.

If you are a DIY homeowner, you can easily paint your own concrete floor. And if you aren’t and you would rather hire contractors to paint it for you, we got you covered. Here are a few tips on painting concrete floors successfully.

The Tools for Painting Concrete Floors

Painting concrete floors is easier than you think, especially if you have the right tools and materials. Here is what you will need:

  • A wire brush
  • Vacuum or a broom
  • A mop or a water hose (if the floor is outside)
  • Paintbrush and a paint roller (a smaller roller, not the really fluffy one)
  • Paint tray or a bucket
  • Paintbrush
  • Painter’s tape
  • Paint for concrete (your desired colour)
  • Concrete sealer (optional to seal cracks)

Choose the Right Paint for Painting Concrete Floors

If you decide to paint your concrete floor yourself, you will quickly realise that there are many paint options. The key is picking one that suits the type and location of your concrete. The best thing to do is to speak to your concrete paint vendor. They can recommend you the best paint depending on the amount of traffic and the state of your concrete before painting.

Good Preparation Is Half the Work

When painting concrete floors, preparation is key. Your first step should be to thoroughly clean the concrete and check for any cracks. If you have cracks, you can seal them with the concrete sealer and otherwise, you can continue cleaning your floor.

Giving your floors a good sweep is a good start. But you should also wash them to eliminate dirt and dust. If you are painting interior concrete floors, you should use a mop; otherwise, you can use a water hose or even a power washer.

Tape Everything that Isn’t floor

Painting concrete floors isn’t difficult, but it is time-consuming. However, if you don’t protect the parts you don’t want to be painted, you will lose more time cleaning them. And cleaning concrete paint is not pleasant. So, mask the walls, baseboard, mouldings, pipes or whatever else could get in the way.

When Painting Concrete Floors, Paint the Edge First

You want to minimise the possibility of concrete paint finding its way to your walls. So, you should use a paintbrush for more detailed work. This applies to the edges but also around pipes, poles, doors, or other immovable objects.

Do You Need Contractors for Painting Concrete Floors?

Let’s be honest – the easiest thing to do when painting concrete floors is to hire contractors. That way, you don’t need to worry about the type of paint, sealing, and washing your floors. When you hire professionals, you get an outcome worthy of the price you paid. If you are ready to have your floors painted, call us on 086 608 1817 / 085 139 0233 or contact us here.
