Whether you are moving into a new home or remodelling an existing one, painting is a necessary part of this progression. Depending on the size of the task, professionals you choose to employ and material involved, the prices can vary in significance. Painting an entire house both inside and out can be an enormous task so employing a team of experienced professionals is recommended. To paint an average three bedroom house in Dublin, both inside and out, will cost as much as three to four thousand euro. This varies from painter to painter so you will need to compare and contrast different quotes. Below are explanations for why this is the case.
Whether you are moving into a new home or remodelling an existing one, painting is a necessary part of this progression. Depending on the size of the task, professionals you choose to employ and material involved, the prices can vary in significance. Painting an entire house both inside and out can be an enormous task so employing a team of experienced professionals is recommended. To paint an average three bedroom house in Dublin, both inside and out, will cost as much as three to four thousand euro. This varies from painter to painter so you will need to compare and contrast different quotes. Below are explanations for why this is the case.
If you require special equipment for specific coatings of paint or designs than this will add to your cost. The type of paint and amount of it is important to note. If you choose quality paint it will be more expensive but ultimately might be worth it. You can buy this yourself or allow the painters to do so and add it on to their expenses.
The amount of painting and man hours is going to be determined on how big the house is. The entire interior will generally cost twice as much as the exterior due to the individual ceilings, amount of walls and removal of furniture. For obvious reasons, the bigger the house the more it will cost to paint. This may also mean more painters will be needed and extended time for completion.
Choosing your painters
This is the important part as the painters you pick will determine the price you pay. They will evaluate the proposition and give you a price. It is recommended that you seek a number of estimates from different professionals in order to find the cheapest option. Certain painters may not offer exactly what it is you are looking for so you may have to pay for a specific job with a set price. When selecting your painter research their work and references first before agreeing to any contracts.
Completion Time
If you request for your house to be painted within a specific time slot then this may cost more. If more painters are going to be needed, and thus more equipment, then this will be added to the overall price. If there is no limit then make sure to have a definite figure agreed upon prior to the beginning of work so you are not charged by hourly rates.
House painting can be a costly and daunting task considering the size of the proposition. Making sure you have the correct tools to achieving this is vital. Planning ahead and doing your research can save you time and money while ensuring you receive a professional job. Discussing your needs with the painters before any agreement has been reached is important. This will allow you to estimate the amount of time and money you are going to be spent which you can then compare with others.
Would you like to see what dozens of our happy customers now see every day? Give your house a new look and call us now 086 608 1817 or email info@painting-dublin.ie for a quick quote.