Painting Dublin

When Should You Paint House Exterior Walls?

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Weather is the number one thing you should consider when planning to paint your home’s exterior walls. Unlike interior painting projects which can be tackled any time (or any season), outdoor painting cannot commence unless optimal weather conditions are met. For this reason, many say that exterior painting is much more difficult than interior painting. It’s not just the project’s schedule that is at the mercy of the weather but also the output.

So, when should you paint house exterior walls? The consensus amongst experts like professional painters is that summer is the best time to undertake outdoor painting projects. During this season, the chance of rain is low to none and the weather is generally warm. These conditions make it possible to work outdoors and more importantly, for paint to cure properly.

Please note, however, that this does not mean that all summer days are ideal for exterior painting. Keep in mind, extreme temperatures have adverse effect on the output. When it is too hot, paint will dry extremely fast. This results in poor adhesion and imperfections on the paint finish, i.e., appearance of brush marks and paint clumps. Moreover, the paint may bubble or blister if the temperature hits 100◦F.

Simply put, an extremely hot weather can make your paint job less visually appealing and even shorten its longevity. Hence, it is best to put off outdoor painting when temperatures are too high which is usually during the middle of summer.

Aside from summer, spring, particularly the early part of the season, is also a good time for exterior painting. The weather during this time is generally optimal for painting – not too cold, not too hot. In addition, daytime and nighttime temperatures do not fluctuate too much in spring.

Why is it important for temperatures to be static when you are painting? An extreme change in temperature during the drying process can negatively impact the quality of the paint job. For example, a significant drop in temperatures at night exposes the curing paint to moisture which in turn can seep through the substrate and prevent the paint from sticking well to the surface. You don’t have to worry about this during early spring since daytime and nighttime temperatures are fairly static.

Another good reason to schedule outdoor painting during spring is to immediately repair damages on your walls brought about by the harsh winter months. The cold weather can wreak havoc on the paint on your exterior walls. It can shorten the paint job’s longevity. It can also tarnish the paint colour, i.e., make dark hues look white.

When you schedule the repainting of your walls in spring, you catch these problems early on or uncover severe issues before they can compromise the structural integrity of your property. More importantly, you get to fix them before the damages become more extensive or too costly to repair.

So, if you are planning to repaint your home’s exterior walls, it is best to schedule it early spring or early summer. If you do this on your own, make sure you do your due diligence. Check weather conditions before picking a schedule. Alternatively, you can hire professional painters to work on your home’s exterior walls. This is a good decision since this task is not easy. It requires expertise to achieve an exterior paint job that is pristine-looking and durable.

Looking for professional painters to paint house exterior walls? Call us now at 86 608 1817 / 085 139 0233!

Image by Arturs Budkevics from Pixabay
