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Why you shouldn’t hire a cheap painter to paint your house

When you seek out professional services you expect to get what you pay for; if you pay a low amount you will get low quality. Painting your house is a huge effort which requires competence, skill and patience so you want the best person, or people, to complete the job. Not only must they be qualified but also be able to match your desires.

When you seek out professional services you expect to get what you pay for; if you pay a low amount you will get low quality. Painting your house is a huge effort which requires competence, skill and patience so you want the best person, or people, to complete the job. Not only must they be qualified but also be able to match your desires. This does not necessary mean that you have to pay over the odds for a really good painter but it means that you shouldn’t skimp on the cost if you can afford the best contractors. The following are particular reasons you should avoid the cheap option when hiring a painter:


Cheap contractors can bring cheap materials with them. This is something you definitely want to avoid as it can not only lead to a worse paintjob aesthetically but also wears off quicker meaning spending more money on another painter. You are not just paying more money for the contractor themselves but also the equipment they bring with them. There is higher quality paint which dries faster and lasts longer along with the materials used to apply them quickly and effectively.


The effort a service man puts in, regardless of what type, is usually reflective of their price. If they offer an unusually cheap rate for the job they are performing compared the relative market prices then you must be prepared to receive an insufficient service. This is very much applicable to professional painters who can choose how long they take, how much effort they will put in and the quality of service in general. A cheap painter may take twice as long to complete a similar task due to lack of professionalism and skills meaning they may eventually end up costing the same as a more expensive painter due to the hours they accumulate.

Other ways to avoid hiring insufficient painters:

Price is not the only indication of how good a service contractor is; reputation is another indicator as to whether or not the professional is of high quality or not. By doing some simple research on the internet, telephone or word-of-mouth you can find out what other people made of your contractor and whether or not they are fully qualified to complete your task. You can also speak to them directly, look at their past works and decide for yourself if they suit your needs. When negotiating you should always try to gain a fixed price and time for completion so that there can be no dishonesty on their part in terms of prolonging the job on purpose. By comparing this price and time to other contractors you can gauge who supplies the most efficient painters.
