As good as a painted wall is it may not cover the cracks and dents visible to others so wallpaper may be a necessity. If you have already spent money on a professional painter, or simply want to save even more money, then applying the wallpaper yourself is always a smart idea.
As good as a painted wall is it may not cover the cracks and dents visible to others so wallpaper may be a necessity. If you have already spent money on a professional painter, or simply want to save even more money, then applying the wallpaper yourself is always a smart idea. In order to complete this task to a high standard you will need to ensure that sufficient preparation is made. This will require certain items, in-depth directions and most importantly patience. If you rush your wallpapering then you can end up with a shambles of the proposed beautiful décor you had hoped for.
What you will need:
You will obviously need your wallpaper which you intend to put up, plaster, a stool, a blade, vacuum and brush, and help if you have it. Depending on what you are hoping to achieve you may need to smooth out the area of the wall before application of wallpaper which can require a speckling compound and sander.
The process before putting the wallpaper up:
You will need to fill any holes and concaves which can be done with the speckling compound and for bumpy surfaces you will need the sander which can also be used straight after the plaster dries out. You must then get rid of all dirt and dust which can be done with the help of a vacuum and brush. To finish off you will need to put primer and sealer on the walls after you have fully cleansed the walls. This will ensure that any sponge like surfaces and craters are sealed efficiently allowing for a comfortable application.
How long should it take?
The smoothing out of the surface should take thirty minutes depending on the size of the wall, amount of walls, etc. You will need to clean the walls thoroughly and allow time for drying. Plastering the wallpaper can take an hour or two and you will again need to leave time for drying before checking over it all to make sure there are no bumps, improper plastering or tears. The whole process should take up the entire day realistically which is why it is important to be patient and undertake the task at an appropriate time.