A query for anybody wanting to paint their house is figuring out when to paint the exterior. The weather is a huge issue when it comes to painting outside as certain conditions make it almost impossible to paint.
A query for anybody wanting to paint their house is figuring out when to paint the exterior. The weather is a huge issue when it comes to painting outside as certain conditions make it almost impossible to paint. Therefore the obvious answer to this question is to paint in the spring and summer as opposed to the colder, wetter seasons. However, it is not always so simple as that as other factors can come into play meaning no matter when you decide to paint you may meet stumbling blocks. Here is some advice when it comes to painting the exterior of your house.
Regardless of weather forecasts you should always be prepared to undertake the task of painting your exterior in case the time comes when a nice couple of days pop up out of the blue. If you cannot afford to wait for a few months in order to find the perfect weather then you must be extremely organised. This includes having the correct equipment at your disposal and winter gear on hand such as numerous layers, gloves, hat, jacket and boots.
With the use of internet, television, radio and your own personal opinion you should undertake amateur weather forecasting at the start of the day to predict whether or not you could paint your exterior. The Irish weather is particularly difficult to foresee so it is important that you can make snap judgements and be ready to start immediately. Obviously you should avoid rain, snow, freezing temperature and heavy winds so when you notice prolonged calmness with cloud cover, relative warmness and light winds then you have a window of opportunity to begin. You will need to be fast though so, as stated before, preparation is vital.
Safety while Painting
The most important thing is your safety so by no means go braving out into a blizzard to finish painting your house. You will not only make a shambles of it you will more than likely end up in hospital as well. When you do begin painting in appropriate conditions remember to have a sturdy ladder in place, ask a friend to hold it if you can, and wear proper footwear for gripping.
Painting Material
The paint itself and how you apply it will determine whether or not the weather was in fact good condition to paint in. You need to buy fast drying paint such as acrylic and oil-based types which are tailored for application in less than ideal weather conditions. You can also purchase resistant coats which will protect the paint from climate damages. The primer will also struggle to work in harsh conditions so you must work in perfect time and in as best weather as possible for that time.