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Removing the Masking Tape

Are you seeking to get the best results from your painting job? Your painting work can be disappointing if you do not remove the masking tape properly. Masking tape is used to protect areas that are not supposed to be painted from getting paint drips and smudges. After the painting has been completed, the masking tapes you have used should be removed. When to remove the tapes is of great importance.

When to Remove the Tape

Allow the paint to dry before the removing the tape in order to have a smooth surface. Avoid leaving the tape on the surface for too long, as it will not be easy to remove. The adhesive on the tape will bond with the surface. In case you are not sure if the paint is dry enough, wait a little longer before removing the tape.

The tape will be ready for removal about an hour after painting. Touch the painted surface to find out if it is completely dry. Hold the end of the tape at an angle of 45 degrees away from the painted surface and pull it off slowly. Removing the tape at an angle gives you the best results.

There are instances when the paint will stick to the tape and peel off with it. When this happens, run a razor blade along the edge of the tape. The razor will cut through the paint that has peeled off and allow you to continue. This will ensure that all the hard work you have done will not be ruined. It is important to do it slowly so that you are able to identify where to use the razor before causing any damage to the painted surface.

The Items you Need

Avoid forcing the tape off the surface as it can ruin the work you have done. When the tape does not come off easily, you can use a hair dryer to make the adhesive relax. Hold the hair dryer that is on low heat a few inches from the tape. The heat from the tape will make the adhesive relax and make it easy to remove from the surface.

Even when a hair drier is used, you may encounter parts of the tape that are hard to remove. A scraper can be used where the hair drier is not effective. Sticky parts of the tape can be removed by rubbing it off using a piece of cloth soaked in turpentine. The area you have rubbed with turpentine should then be rinsed with a damp piece of cloth. Before you get started, it is important to have all the items you might need near to avoid wasting time.

Test the turpentine on an area that is less visible before applying it on a more open surface. This is necessary to ensure the turpentine is effective. If you apply it without testing its effectiveness, you risk damaging the results you have already achieved. Where turpentine does not work, consider using ammonia, acetone or a cleaner that is formulated to remove adhesive.

For any assistance with your painting work, you can always contact us on 086 608 1817.
